Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Installed windows 7...liked it ..and looks pretty cool with quite impressive performance....

Very stable OS...well wit

h my configuration..i really expect it to be stable...

Well I did not use VISTA so cannot compare the two :(

But what I feel it’s a lot faster than Windows Xp.

Windows Seven has the same architecture of windows Vista, though they have changed the kernel a bit.

Windows 7 has virtualization capabilities so it is equipped to run Virtual PC with ease.

Then it has sensor capabilities and applications can use sensor information to offer customized and enhanced services.

User accounts control systems have been overhauled

It has a streamlined Setup routine and a thoroughly overhauled user interface.

Those who have not used VISTA (people like me) will be simply awed by the look and style. The AERO interface is still there and is more customizable.

The desktop sidebar is gone..But the gadgets of VISTA still remain...

Though they can only be seen in the desktop.

A new feature is called Library. It is not a folder or file but is a way to group related files and folders. If you have documents and text files in several locations like different folders on the hard drive, removable flash drive, network folder, etc. You can use a library to see all the files in those locations collectively in one Library. The files will remain in their respective location; the library contains an index to the file or folder.

The User Account Control (UAC) defaults to a moderate level so it does not constantly pop up asking about everything....I know that means decreased security but its up to you whether you want your screen space to be filled up by warning messages.

I did like the enhanced UI of Paint, WordPad and the calculator though. These programs have changed little since the Windows 3.1 days - now they are more in line with Office 2007 appearance, sharing the 'ribbon' design toolbar.

Leaving you with some of the pictures.....

The genuine tag... :)

The aero Interface :)

the enhanced calculator...

finally the newly painted 

MS-paint... :P

okk goodbye.....and remember to imagine "a world without walls"

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